Thursday 28 August, 2008

An Unfriendly chat with once-friendly Friend.

Sunil: Hi Anthony. How are you? Its been a long time since we met.
Anthony: Hey Sunil.. wassup man? yeah..its really been a fcuking long time we fact am
great!!! oh! i almost forgot! how the fcuk are you???

Sunil: am fine too.thanks! (raising his eyebrows...)...could u pls stop using those vulgar explicitives?
Anthony : hehehe...Kinda kewl isn't it?

Sunil: i don't remember when was the last time we met?
Anthony: You mean, Jab We Met??? hehehehe....

Sunil: Hmm. You seemed to developed a whacky sense of humour? watching too many awful movies, huh??
Anthony: (smiling) i think so. so tell me..why the fcuk...oops...why did u call me?

Sunil: Nothing special. Simply wanted to talk to you...its been a while i got in touch with people...since u have been my best friend before i got to know wot friendship is..thought of talking to u...
Anthony: Hmmmm...! oblivious! you still the same. Senti-Very-MENTAL! hehehe...

Sunil: Can't help! this is the way i am...but u seem to have changed a lot...
Anthony: Am I? cool...

Sunil: yeah. even since u went to do ur Degree in Mysore, you have changed a lot in those 4 years. Every time u came home for ur holidays, whether its for studying for your semester exams or for holidays, or for no reason, mom, as always, The Lady Sherlock Holmes, always felt a change in you. a new change everytime! i donno whether she was happy about it or not...but one this's for sure, she was apprehensive.
Anthony: Is it? i don't think so she was all the way apprehensive or not. i guess, she was just concerned about my health, studying, etc.

Sunil; Health? Are you joking? You have grown both horizontally and vertically, like the way Satish Shah looks in Comedy Circus!!
Anthony: Comedy Circus. Oh yeah. I love that show! Especially the host, Shruti Seth. She is very Sexy. Has got a great body and a cute smile. Would love to have her kind-of-girlfriend!

Sunil: Stop building castle in the air.(Talking To himself, Aakasha gopuram - the new Mohanlal movie! hehehe!!!) Anyways, the reason i called you up is, there is something going on with you. something strange. something unusual.something neither u nor i have felt before!

Anthony: We both feeling the SAME thing? who are you? a fcuking homo? stay away from me!

Sunil: (irritated) FCUK YOU!!! Guess you've fcukin forgotten me. AM YOUR FCUKING SOUL!!!! Some bastards came me intuition: some bitches call me 'Inner Voice' (To hell with them!).The shit inside your obese body u crazy Fcuk!! I've been fcuking dying to come out of you..its kind of stinking inside ur bald and broad filthy gutter like body...i donno wot i've become since the time i am in your body. a Soul, a sole (shoe sole) or an owl..who's been freaking day and night about this fcuking ugly thing which i donno wot to call nor whom to call for help.

Anthony: (perplexed) oh..oh..oh.....easy man.easy. E-A-S-Y. Take a deep breathe. 1, 2, 3, 4, ...

After several 'Breath-takings'
Sunil: Sorry. its not my territory to use these vulgaris...or should i call acne vulgaris??? (smirks!)
Anthony: Not bad dude...u too have my kind of whacky sense of humour! impressed!

Sunil; Moron! I reside in you. obviously me 2 will have some of those traits! am just like that Tunga river which takes the form of anything u put me in. u color the water, its called colored water! u put me in a glass its called 'a glass of water', u construct a wall, a dam against me ..its dam water!!!

Anthony: DAMN IT! STOP!!! Fcuking... you have a bloody shitty sense of humour than i got. Bleemy!...that scares me...where am I?!

Sunil: Sorry. I apologize. I went a bit far too much. Anyways, the point of discussion is that, as we both know, that we are suffering from a strange feeling..kind of an alien which we never felt.

Anthony: Hmmm. I guess, it should be 'Quarter-Life' Crisis.

Sunil: A wot? wot in the name of Christ is that?
Anthony: Yeah. Its called 'Quarter-Life' Crisis. Just like 'Mid-Life' Crisis. Many people feel this kind of dejectory feeling.

Sunil: Please Explain!
Anthony: Not so long ago, in their late 30s or 40s people used to feel a bit awkwardness and confusion. Like they donno wot to do next.
They have been married or divorced, have great kids, great jobs. but SOMETHING inside them, they used to get this kind of feeling. Get up, Have breakfast, Go office, come back,play with kids, go to bed, have sex. Kind of monotonous life. In between, quarrel with your wife!!!...

Sunil: Hmmm...
Anthony: So, they come to a place where they have to decide in their mind, wot to do next, to re-assure themselves as to wot should be done next.

Sunil: Interesting.
Anthony: So, inorder to keep themselves happy, some decide to spice up their life, like have an extra marital affair, visiting pros, re-start an old hobby, change their profession and do something else which they have always wanted to do, go on a trip, etc.etc..etc...

Sunil: Go ahead.
Anthony: Now, due to various reasons like advancement in science and technology, especially IT, change in our lives and subsequently huge change in our life styles, this 'Mid Life Crisis' has gone one step backwards...and that's my friend is 'Quarter Life' Crisis. It occurs in people who are in their mid 20s to early 30s.

Sunil: So, NOW, no more 'Mid Life Crisis' for people in their late 30s or 40s or wotever?
Anthony: No dumbo. it still exists! Just that it has started taking its toll on people in their young age. Although i know that there is 'Teen-age' crisis, this doesn't have that much similarity like the above two have. In you teens, where do u have your responsibility? only bikes and babes...!u r like a fcuking free bird!!!...panchchi banu udhta phiroon mast gagan mein...

(coming back to his senses...)
So much for 'Advancement in Science and Technology'. For a 'Better' life. For a 'Better' World! seriously i think, life is becoming fcuking hell day by day.

Sunil: BINGO!!! this is wot our problem is.!!!
Anthony: u think so? u think that the crap 'thing' we are feeling is coz of this? this science and technology?

Sunil: No a$$ answer you in your language...the 28th year crisis (at our current age). Wot to do next? whether to continue in the same profession we are in right now or to change it or ..,wot...i donno...
Anthony: I fcuking donno! i mean. i am "ENJOYING" my life...

Sunil: You call this enjoyment? Go office, gulp coffee, meet colleagues,gulp coffee, eat, gulp coffee, restroom, coffee, do NOTHING i mean NOTHING no work...come, chat, message, talk this wot u call enjoyment? i call this HELL...yes HELL....H.E.L.L.

Anthony: (irritated) fine.fine..fine...i will figure out wot to do. Soon.

Sunil: Soon? Soon is a relative word. When? i mean exactly WHEN?
Anthony: Fcuk you man... lemme think...i will do it ASAP.

Sunil: THINK? You shit head! you and think. Both run parallel to each other. You should take a cue from your friends and colleagues how much progess they have done in their lives..and you are still THINKING!!! Somebody please stab me!
Anthony: (a bit angry) so you think i should be jealous of them?

Sunil: No you dumb fcuk! taking a cue means getting inspiration. I am not saying you or as a matter of fact, we, are jealous. We are, for sure, happy for them. But We should be inspired to do good things. Improve ourselves in wot we do. To Be Good and DO good.

(raising his voice angrily) not like you, watch movies daily, blog(!), eat and sleep. in fact, DO NOTHING.

Anthony: (smirking) you know wot. Doing 'Nothing' is also doing something!!! hehehe.howzzzat???

Sunil: You Son of a Gun! i donno wot to say! even after so much talk, u'r still acting like the same fcuking shitty moron! May God Help You!!!
Anthony: Hehehe...u'r speaking my language...fine. let me sleep now..its too late. need to get up early tomorrow.

Sunil: Do wot? Do Nothing again? You bloody ...!
Anthony: Fine. Let me sleep.

Sunil: Wot sleep? Do Something man.. Right now!! Haven't u seen the IBM' ad, Stop Talking, Start Doing?
Anthony: I have. So wot? Let them. I will start tomorrow. You fcuking Souls, neither living nor dead, u don't sleep, eat, drink,shit, fcuk. But we humans DO!! So for Christ's sake, let me fcuking sleep. Please.

SUNIL: Fcuk you moron!!! fcuking wet dreams!!!
Anthony: THANKS. This's the best thing u've said to me till now. Thanx a fcuking ton!!!!


  1. Actually the mid life crisis.....thats wat it starts in Indian everythin is fixed the cycle the way u live or better of die ;-) ....... High time get married otherwise ....should i tell bout the already mentioned stuff in the post ;-).......

    But seriously the post was gr8........ reminding me of the the STRUGGLES INSIDE

  2. thanks! but seriously its time for some action now...else life will be full of shit otherwise!!
