Monday 6 September, 2010


Pancharangi (the one comprising of 5 colors) is the latest offering from the hottest in-demand Kannada director, Yograj Bhat. His earlier movies, Mungaaru Male, Gaalipata and Manasaare boast of great technical expertise and excellent direction. Pancharangi is no different.

The flick tells the story of a happy-go-lucky Bharat (Diganth) who's not only lazy but also pain-in-the-behind to his parents and everybody around him for his attitude towards everything but in a sarcastic way. In fact, sarcasm is the theme of this enterprise.

Bharat's family decides to marry off his dollar-earning (and parent's favourite) elder brother Lucky to the far away Mangalore lass Latha whose cousin happens to be Ambika (Nidhi Subbaiah), a tomboy studying engineering. Match made by the marriage broker, Panchakshari (Raju Taalikote). What follows is the situational comedy of all the characters involved.

The whole movie takes place in a span of 2 days and the pace actually picks up upon Bharat's family's arrival to the Bride's place. The movie feels like one big picnic with the kind of characters thrown  in including a dog named, Ramu! The movie tackles serious and often insipid topics like education, career, love, marriage and religion (hence the name, Pancharangi) in thankfully, non-preachy but yes, sarcastic way.

Diganth, as a postgraduate in Kannada literature Bharat provides ample dose of lectures on all the above serious issues which for most of the part are ignored by the all the characters except for, obviously, Nidhi. The problem, i think, with Diganth's Bharath is that, he lacks depth in character and at the end feels like a caricature. However, it's the writer's fault. But he has given an awesome performance and  provides enough entertainment which, may be termed, his finest!

Nidhi, in her finest role till date, gets to emote a wide range of emotions and acts quite well. In terms, of character sketch, her role is better than Diganth's.

Raju Taalikote and his, blind companion, Mylari are really awesome.
Anant Nag is Diganth's Bharath's mirror image but after 20 years as have the same view on life. He comes for exactly 2 scenes (one at interval and another at climax) plus the 'Life Istene' song. He is adequate.
The other supporting characters are good and engaging but the ones making impression are the house maid and her lover, Diganth's bus driver. Slightly reminiscent of  Mira Nair's Monsoon Wedding's housemaid and marriage broker characters.

The music by Mano Murthy is excellent along with an effective background score. Cinematography by Thyagaraju is very good. Screenplay, by Bhat,  is shoddy as the movie lacks meat. Dialogues are amazingly humorous and cleverly witty often with hidden meaning on the serious issues.

Bhat, on his part, has extracted great acting from the ensemble along with all the above mentioned good points. However, he has to accept the fact, with a pinch of salt, that, 'that-something' is missing!

Watchable? Go Now!
Rating: 3.5

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