Wednesday 11 March, 2009

Blessing IN Disguise

Obama's recent announcement on slashing H1-B visas is truely a blessing in disguise for India. I know, there would be many people who would be disappointed by the news. You can't help it as America, in Obama's words, 'need to protect Americans'.
This is truely a great opportunity for India to shed her 'Back Office of the World' image and come on her own terms and emerge as a Great Innovation Country as she was once known for. 

Come on, We are the inventors of the fundamental Mathematical magic number, ZERO. And so many other miracles, like, Ayurveda, rockets, etc. Can't we, atleast realise our true potential in this hour of global crisis and bring the glorius epoch back?

Due to the announcement, more skilled professionals may comeback and help in India's growth. Instead of frowning over, we should grab this opportunity and make the full use of it. Ofcourse, without proper infrastructure and other facilities in place, we can't move ahead. This is where the government's role comes into  picture. It should provide adequate financial support for the upcoming Indian-Global companies which focus not only on IT but in all areas backed by sufficient R & D and help ensure, essential skilled man power is in place. The government should give equal impetus to all fields of Arts, Science and Commerce. And ofcourse Sports, the most neglected field.

With the recent news of more than 1000 Engg colleges being opened, it looks like, the govt. is focussing too much Engineering. I hope it gives equal importance to all other fields  as well. The country, with youth comprising of more than 60% of its population, this is the golden chance for a solid nation building activity in all areas.

 Even though the country is going thru a turbulent period including our neighbourhood in every direction we look, I truely believe that, this is our sure shot moment to emerge as a True SuperPower. And to add 'gulaal' to this, we have the elections in place. Thence, this is really really THE sure shotgun, bull's eye opportunity to tranform India. As they say, 'When the going gets tough, the tough gets going', THIS IS IT!

P.S: Thanks to Gulaal's inspiring soundtrack, for the 'gulaal' comment above in particular and missing-office-cab in general for the topic! And yes, most importantly to the load shedding, without which I would have invaribly spent my time in front of the idiot box. Now, this is really 'blessing in disguise' in true sense! :) 

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