Tuesday 27 January, 2009


After much deliberation and dereliction for months, our group decided to go on a trip.Finally!! Though the destination was undecided, I was happy that we, atleast made up our mind to visit some godamnit place! And what a place(s) it was!
Fantastic Four of us, Ajay, Sriharsha, Suresh and of course, myself hired a qualis on friday night to Athirampally Falls via Valparai. Left Bengaluru around 2300 hrs.

Without any more e-motions attached, lemme blog.

Pollachi: The first place we stopped for bath and breakfast. Found a decent hotel (Hotel Sakthi) in the town and finished all morning activities and let for Valparai. There are beautiful places around Pollachi but we had a tight schedule to follow which we don't often follow @ work! :)

Aliyar Dam/Reservoir: 20kms for Pollachi and on the foothills of Anamalai mountain range which leads all the way to Valparai. Beautiful one (pictured above), though while reading blogs on Valparai, i didn't know why so. Reason: It's a lovers' spot. I could find more no. of couples than the trees to shade them! Anyways, is still a good place! :)

Monkey Falls: The first place on the ghat is the Monkey Falls. Small and beautiful falls. Part of Roja's 'Dil Hai Chota sa' song was filmed here which we remembered when we saw the place! (pictured above..that's Suresh, Ajay and Harsha...hehehe)

The ghat houses 40 hair-pin bends which provides luxurious view of the Aliyar Dam (one at 9th bend is a good one, pictured above) and the lush green forest. Almost the entire strip has good asphalted road, another plus point.

Valparai - The town full of tea and coffee plantations is truely a traveller's delight. We reached the place around 2pm. You won't find a single hill/mountain range in and around the town without a tea or a coffee plantation. I loved the sight immensely though for somebody it might be a bane especially if green's not one of his/her fav colors! Anyways, all 4 of us liked and loved the place.

Although, it was a pain for the 3 others when i had to halt the vehicle every 500 mts to capture in the digicam. Like, taking a mental picture (Sitcom, Friends's one of the episodes featuring Alec Baldwin's famous lines) of this wonderful view. But when you are in such a great place and have an insatiable thirst for snapping every thing that's looks awesome who wouldn't go zany over it? (pictured)

Reached the hotel (Hotel Green Hill) which we had it booked from our Pollachi hotel. Room was good, priced at Rs.900/night for a couple.Refreshing ourselves, we set out for in and outs of the town.
We have had thought of visiting temples and churches amidst the estates, but had to shelve the plan excusing ourselves blatantly that since God's omnipotent and omnipresent. Actually, we were running out of time.

picture: Our evening tea.

Our hotel receptionist/owner gave us 3 routes to visit places. We selected one which had a dam (Nirar Dam), a falls (Chinnakallar Falls) and a river (sorry, forgot the name). Since it was already 4.45pm and dam would close by 5pm, we zeroed-in on the falls.

Nirar Dam: Nice route. 20 kms from the town. Nirar damn (pictured) is on the way. The dam is more of a reservoir than the damn dam! :) From the dam, the falls is 1 km further plus 200mts walk. Loud Tamil music greet you at the falls, a ploy to ward-off the wandering elephants. If you are a Tamil music fan, there's a nice podium to dance as well. The place has a school and a post office which actually amused and pleased me. Good that education is reaching far and wide.

Chinnakallar Falls:Now the falls (pictured), in technical terms, is not a falls at all. Its just a stream of water flowing from a slightly elevated rock. Nonetheless, it's good for some recreational activities like...u can fill in your choice! :).
We couldn't stay long enough to enjoy as it was getting dark and the water was getting cold. Moreover, it's frequented by neighbourhood elephants.

Came back to the town, strolled the streets, ate local delicacies, packed some tea,spices to take back home. Slept early.
Got up at 6.30 am next day to foto the tea gardens (pictured).

Now, being a hill station, here i was expecting a very cold morning. but to my surprise, it wasn't. Benguluru was much colder when I reached next day!
Anyways, snapped some pics, eat some freshly prepared and tasty masala vadas, got ready for our next and final destination. Athirampally Falls (AF).

My first thought while driving towards AF was 'Awesome route; Awful road'! It's a 60kms stretch to AF from Valparai via Sholayar dam. We could only see Tata board in all the tea/coffee gardens right till Kerala and this spans several hills! Really, it's a small wonder how they must have planted a whole mountain range with tea and coffee samplings!!!

One of the many Tea gardens. Or should i say, advertising Sony shot from a Canon! :)

Sholayar Dam: 30 Kms from Valparai. On the way to AF. Some sites claimed it to be Asia's 2nd longest and deepest dam (pictured). I could certainly not find if it's deepest or not but definitely not the longest. But, yes, a beautiful dam surrounded by forests and tea gardens.  As you can see, some work is going on at the place.

Picture: Dam Site.
Without much delay, we set out for AF.

The dense forest, monitored jointly by Kerala & TN, is home to a large amount of flora and fauna. Good that we didn't find much of fauna except for this snake (pictured) else i wouldn't be writing this blog. Would I?!

The best thing after crossing over to Kerala is the Mobile Network. I could get excellent reception near a picturesque Dam (pictured). Good roads are another plus point.So, an excuse to snap some more pics and irritate the group!
Finally, reached AF around 2pm. Had some 'parotta' and went to see our Final Destination: The Athirampally Falls.

The Final Falls: When I first saw this falls in Dil Se's 'Jiya Jale' song, i thought it to be some remote place in the middle of jungle which is largely inaccesible. And still it was the same thought.

But one glimpse of this place changed all these. We had to park our vehicle 200 mts away from the Entry gate (Timings: 8am-6pm) and when we went near the falls, we could see, hundreds already in action (pictured), only posing for camera though and nothing otherwise!. I have seen this falls in innumerable films ever since. Barricades are in place which act as a deterrent to go near the falls with a guard in place to avoid any illegal entry. However, i captured this pic below, in one of those activities. Couldn't resist the view!

Just trekked down to the bottom of the falls (200 mts) and clicked as many snaps as possible. As usual as it sounds, the falls is just awesome. Thanks to the dam authorities, as it was Sunday, they had open the gates for us to catch such an incredible view. The top of the falls (pictured) though crowded, wasn't much fun.

Spent some time, clicked Sunset snap and left for Bangalore via Palakkad (stopover @ Palghat for some lite dinner), Coimbatore.

And as far as our fun quotient goes, we had Suresh with logical and irrational questions and Harsha with more answers literally playing 'kaun banega bakwaspati'. Ajay and myself were intermittently listening to them! :)

P.S. : VACAB stands for the places listed above! :)

Tuesday 20 January, 2009

The 44th!

First things first. It is an awesome and inspiring inaugural speech! 'Is' because, it's still ringing in my ear! And my first viewing of an Oath administered to the ministers and presidents, ever. This National Event, both in US of A and Rest of the World, India included, as it's being shown Live on all prominent Indian news channels, the first for them as they haven't beamed any of Indian Oath taking ceremony (!), is truely one of its kind. Guess other 'popular' leaders would follow suit elsewhere!

If, for America and World's sake, Obama is as honest in his intentions and clear and truthful in his thoughts and deeds as his speech, i am sure, his name would be remembered for generations to come and his place reserved in the pages of World History!

Mr. Barrack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of United States of America, Best of Luck!

Friday 16 January, 2009

Delhi 6 - Music Review

Delhi 6 is Rakesh Omprakash Mehra's 3rd flick after Aks and RDB. Like his other two, this one's rocking too and how! Let's wait and see how the movie matches this colossal score!

Aarti (Tumre Bhavan Mein) and Arziyan
Great way to start the album with offerings to Almighty.Both are awesome numbers sung by (Rekha Bharadwaj and et. al) & (Javed Ali and Kailash Kher) respectively.

Bhor Bhaye
I think this is ARR's first full fledged Hindustani classical number. This should definitely be liked by old and new alike interested in Classical numbers. For ordinary ears, it's soothing though.

Genda Phool
Rekha Bharadwaj is one of my fav singers ever since i heard Omkara's Namak number. She has that kind of a voice which can ease a stressful mind instantly. This is one of my fav numbers from the soundtrack. I know ARR believes in the oxymoron 'less is more' phrase in turns of his music but now he's started with short numbers as well (This song is just 2.5 mins long). The last number in this 'genre' is Yuvvraaj's 'Manmohini'. Although other tracks in this pack are not that long except for Arziyan, this particular number kept wanting me for more! This is already my ring tone!! hehe..

Dil Gira Dafatan
Nice slow number.I love first 5 sec of this track which reminds me of the latin-american style of music. Ash King's voice has a soothing effect backed nicely by Chinmayee. The background orchestra is too good. This should take some hearings to be likened by one and all. And to know that he doesn't know a word in Hindi and has sung this, makes me like it more!

Delhi 6
Title track. A rap/hip-hop/lazy number with great vocals by Blaaze, Benny, Vivenne, et.al. A Uber cool one! Instantly likeable.

A less than a minute soothing philosophical phrasing by Amitabh Bachchan. Nice one.

Hey Kaala Bandar
A Fast and Fun song with some of course funny lyrics. Prasoon gets a chance to display his wild side in this one.

Rehna Tu
Old habits die hard. Yes, ARR has it. He always keeps some of the best tracks to himself. And does complete justice to them! You should like this. One of the trend setting numbers.

and My favourite Masakali
The First-Best song of 2009. Absolutely a show stopper number sung brilliantly by Mohit Chauhan. Perky lyrics in sync with music. ARR seems to make full utilization of the Accordion he bought in Hong Kong, right from Aye Hairate (guru) and then followed it up by Zindagi (Yuvvraaj). The way Mohit plays with the words, 'Tamanna', 'Manmaani' just shows his versatality and his ease with words. For me,this is Mohit's Best song.

This is a wholesome entertainment album with a song for everybody spanning almost all genres. Being it classical, hip hop, rap, instant-likeables, slow ones, you name it, you got it. It's all right here!

Go ahead and take yours! Great way to start 2009. An absolute must have!

Thursday 15 January, 2009


Happen to see quite a bit of movies recently. Their reviews, though in brief.
In Bruges
Most recently watched movie. It refreshed my Bruges memory. This 'Venice of North' is a small but lively city. And so is the movie. This Irish comedy-drama-thriller is a delight to watch especially Colin and Gleeson's awesome chemistry. Debut movie by a theatre writer (sorry, forgot his name!). Lots of F words. Infact, loads! ;)The best part about this movie is that, though the story is seen-before types, the screenplay keeps us guessing for the next moves of the characters.
Colin's win at Golden Globes'09 as Best Actor-Comic/Musical is well-deserved.

Burn After Reading
Completely eerie, out-of-the-box comic movie involving Brad Pitt, George Clooney, et.al written by awesome-duo Cohen Brothers. Fun to watch.

Only reason to watch this is the climax which was publicised to differ with the 'original-inspired' Tamil version.Good timepass though.

The Lives of Others
Superb German movie. Watch to understand something about privacy in East Germany.An Oscar winner. Rightly though!

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
One more great movie. Ben (Brad)'s born 80 year old (physically) and starts growing backwards and dies young. Brad Pitt's best act till date. And yes, great music. And rightly nominated everywhere.

Slumdog Millionaire
No words on this movie! Not coz i don't wanna say anything but coz so many things are already being praised for and criticised against this movie. Rightly won Golden Globe. Anxiously waiting for THE most awaited moment. The Oscars.